Tuesday, January 4, 2011

1 Day to Live

I have a question for you readers. If you had one day to live what would you do? Would you finally marry the girl of your dreams? Would you skydive? Go to space? Wrestle an alligator?
Now, after you think about that. If you had a whole life to live would you lose that drive?
I have seen many people who go to different events or different places and lose themselves just to have fun along the way. For me if there is anything spontaneous that I feel like doing I don't lose myself in the process. The best way to live you life is through the grace of Jesus. From now on you don't have an excuse to not do something because nobody told you to. Finally try out for that sports team. Finally turn a new leaf at the New year. If your shy try finally stepping out a little. Many of us need that little motivation at the beginning of the day to get us through the hours.
From all of us on the blog.

~The Midshipman
Don't be afraid to keep those New Year Resolutions.

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