Saturday, January 15, 2011

blog, sleep, school DB

Why does blogging make me want to sleep. I'm not sure if its the blogging itself or that's I'm just tired by that time of day. what happened to nap time like when we were little kids. I loved nap time it was the best but now we are forced to work 7 hours a day and then go home and do homework for another 18 hours (little exaggeration) and we do have a life too but we don't have time so we stay up till 4:30 am and that's our social time but why do we needs so much friggin homework. And then classes can be boring so why cant we have fun learning instead of buried in a book and doing busy work. So, seeing as the government wants our lives to revolve around school this is how it should be, school starts and 9:30am and lunch is at noon then at 1:00 we have nap time or free time and school gets out at 4:00 and classes should be a little more fun. Studies show that we are supposed to have at least 7 hours of sleep a night yeah ok. Wwhatever anyways my point is that kids go to school for 7 hours then some of have sports so we don't get home late in the first place but we all have hours of homework and we finish by 10:00pm and we are supposed to go to sleep then but no we are teenagers and we want our own life so we will play video games all night long to make up for time spent on work. So now its 3 in the morning and we are only going to get 4 hours of sleep and the next day starts again and the cycle repeats itself.

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