Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Th OCS 360°

Say hello to us at our new place: The OCS 360°

Yours truly,

~The Blue Rabbit

Something New And Catchey-er

We're leaving this blog, so head over to our new uncharted territory.

Coordinates arriving soon.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Beginning and The End of Something Catchey

Really not sure what to say.  I know the general idea, but the approach is still out there...waiting.
Maybe what I learned from teaching this class, THE BLOG, is where to begin. 
First, the most fun stuff in life is stuff we want to do.  One of our bloggers loves to play video games.  It's a passion.  Decades ago I was into Pac-Man.  I enjoyed those days.  A spare 10 minutes here, an hour there.  I could never talk about it because I felt guilty.  Now at 62, I still care what you think, but not nearly as much as when I was younger trying to be somebody before I got old.  The Blog was fun for my students until they learned that proof reading was necessary, and three blogs per week were required.  THREE BLOGS PER WEEK?!  EACH BLOG ABOUT 300 WORDS!!  (So far 150 words) That's where I learned again that when you make someone do something it can evaporate the passion and joy.  Blog was fun until, "I have to do all this for Blogging."
Second, it is rather predictable what will happen when you give people a choice.  I gave my class a choice.  It was hard.  I made no judgement statements.  I never ridiculed.  I simply said, "You don't have to do another blog and you'll still receive an A!"  Generally speaking, only one student continued to Blog.  One.  I'm not fooled.  I didn't ask, but part of that was the parental influence.  But that is as it should be.  Parents actually saying, you will continue to be responsible.  What would you do if you had been in my class?  You get an A and you never have to do another assignment-unless you want to.  This was scary for me.  This was hard to justify, because I can't justify anything about this concept.  But it was beautiful.  Students couldn't play games, they couldn't sleep, they couldn't search face book over and over again, they had to work on other school work.  It was beautiful.  In every case, students worked harder and produced more school work than would have been normally required in the Blog class.  Yet, "I don't have to do Blog, I' ve got it made," was still the preferred trade.  I'll finish this later.
I should say the following: I had great students.  Amazing (I hate that word) students.  They are talented, creative, and loaded with potential.  I loved blog class because of my students.  Engaging with my students provides me with great joy and meaning.  (I'm trying really hard to not proof read this Blog)

What Summer will mean for me

This summer will have me playing video games till 3 or 4 am almost every night and rising at 8 to 10 in the morning to go and do work. My summer daily chores include: making sure the sheep have water, making sure the pigs have enough feed in their feeder, giving the pigs scraps from meals, feeding my dog, playing with my dog and many more. Then when hay comes around: move the mower, rake, and bailer out of the tractor barn with my dad, make sure the rake has all of its teeth, make sure the mowers blades are sharp, greasing all the parts on the bailer, then I get to buck bails into the back of the gator(5 to a load), then I have to stack bails in the barn, fix the hay rows and move broken bails back into the rows, and some other haying chores too. I love the summer because I can play video games at night late into the night. Also I can spend lots of time outside and enjoy the sunshine with my dog or family as I work. Working in the summer gives me joy becuase I love working in the heat and having the work challege me everyday.

This is ColdWaRrior out

blog, sleep, school DB

Why does blogging make me want to sleep. I'm not sure if its the blogging itself or that's I'm just tired by that time of day. what happened to nap time like when we were little kids. I loved nap time it was the best but now we are forced to work 7 hours a day and then go home and do homework for another 18 hours (little exaggeration) and we do have a life too but we don't have time so we stay up till 4:30 am and that's our social time but why do we needs so much friggin homework. And then classes can be boring so why cant we have fun learning instead of buried in a book and doing busy work. So, seeing as the government wants our lives to revolve around school this is how it should be, school starts and 9:30am and lunch is at noon then at 1:00 we have nap time or free time and school gets out at 4:00 and classes should be a little more fun. Studies show that we are supposed to have at least 7 hours of sleep a night yeah ok. Wwhatever anyways my point is that kids go to school for 7 hours then some of have sports so we don't get home late in the first place but we all have hours of homework and we finish by 10:00pm and we are supposed to go to sleep then but no we are teenagers and we want our own life so we will play video games all night long to make up for time spent on work. So now its 3 in the morning and we are only going to get 4 hours of sleep and the next day starts again and the cycle repeats itself.

Will I have time to do things?

Starting this Saturday, I will be doing the Fire Department Cadet program. This cadet program will take 8 hours every Saturday for the next 3 months.  Also on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I have my final 3 classes of Drivers Ed, but to make up a class I have to stay after an hour on Monday and Tuesday. Then after my Wednesday class I have the Fire Cadet for 2-4 hours. Will I have time for video games next week? Probably not. With the Fire Cadet program on top of all my school work, I will have less and less time for other activities, including video games(unfortunately).

This is ColdWaRrior out

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Last Day of Blog

Today is my last day of doing blogging for this semester, as I will be taking Scuba Diving from Mr. Claus next semester. This semester of blogging has been a lot of fun for me and my classmates. But then again I won't have to worry about getting my blogs in for the week now :). This coming Saturday I will be, along with my fellow Fire Cadet/Recruit class, learning how to throw SCBA (Self Contained Breathing Apparatus) in 60 seconds or less. The class has already mastered putting on the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) or fire fighting gear in less than 60 seconds, so I believe in the class to master this task.

In Call of Duty Black Ops, which I only play during my spare time during the school week (if I have any spare time) and on Saturday nights. The game is fun and addicting to play when ever you have time to play it. I am currently going by the gamertag General Solo with an awesome Emblem that I came up with (I'll be posting a picture of it later). Currently I am on my second prestige (which means I'm on my second round of going through levels 1-50) and around level 29. My favorite map to play on is Summit, which is a snow covered military base with many ways to get around the map. I love playing on Summit, because it is the perfect map for all game modes.

This is General Solo out for the last time
 Liam Nutt

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Upsets in the Playoffs much?

Both of Saturdays games in the NFL Wild Card Round were complete upsets that no one saw coming at all. When the Seahawk beat the Saints, 41-36 at home, everyone in Las Vegas lost money. The Seahawk offense was just clicking every time they got the ball, while the Saints were not them selves when they had the football. I think the major factor in the game was the amount of noise that Seahawk fans make at Quest Field.
When the Colts lost to the Jets by 1 point it was unbelieable. I couldnt believe how well the Jets drove the ball down field and kicked the game winning field goal with 00:00 left on the clock. Being a Patriot fan, I was rooting for the Colts, becuase I knew the Patriots could beat the Colts easier. When Adam Vinateri kicked a 50 yard field goal with less than a minute left in the game, I thought for sure that the Colts would win the game. But no, the Jets drove down field and kick a field goal.

Sundays games were how I thought they would be even though I picked the Chiefs over the Ravens and the Eagles over the Packers.
This weeks games will be some of the best games to watch. The Steelers and Ravens game will be all about which defense plays better. The Jets and Patriots game will be who's offense can move the ball and score points and if the Jets defense can stop Tom Brady and the Patriot offense. The Packers and Falcons game will be a good rounded game to watch, while the Seahawks and Bears game could be a blow out by either team.

My Predictions: Patriots over Jets, Steelers over Ravens (not by much though), Packers over Falcons, and the Seahawks over the Bears.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

NFL Playoffs

Man o Man where has this years NFL Season gone, I mean its already the first round of the playoffs. I can still remember watching Game 1 of this NFL Season. Anyway, here is who we have for the first round fighting it out to advance on to the Divisional Round: in the AFC we have the New York Jets playing the Indianapolis Colt's, and the Baltimore Ravens playing the Kanas City Chiefs. In the NFC we have the defending champs the New Orleans Saints playing the Seattle Seahawks, and the Green Bay Packers playing the Philadelphia Eagles.
The winner of the Jets Colts game will go on to play the Pittsburgh Steelers, while the winner of the Ravens Chiefs game will go on to play the New England Patriots.  The winner of the Saints Seahawks game will go on to play the Chicago Bears, and the winner of the Packers Eagles game will play the Atlanta Falcons.

Here are MY predictions for the Wild Card Round: Colts over Jets, Chiefs over Ravens, Saints over Seahawks(sorry local Northwesterns), Eagles over Packers
Divisional Round: Steelers over Colts, Patriots over Chiefs, Bears over Saints, Falcons over Eagles
Championship Round: Patriots over Steelers, Bears over Eagles
Super Bowl: 

Patriots 42

This is ColdWaRrior out

Bears 14

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

1 Day to Live

I have a question for you readers. If you had one day to live what would you do? Would you finally marry the girl of your dreams? Would you skydive? Go to space? Wrestle an alligator?
Now, after you think about that. If you had a whole life to live would you lose that drive?
I have seen many people who go to different events or different places and lose themselves just to have fun along the way. For me if there is anything spontaneous that I feel like doing I don't lose myself in the process. The best way to live you life is through the grace of Jesus. From now on you don't have an excuse to not do something because nobody told you to. Finally try out for that sports team. Finally turn a new leaf at the New year. If your shy try finally stepping out a little. Many of us need that little motivation at the beginning of the day to get us through the hours.
From all of us on the blog.

~The Midshipman
Don't be afraid to keep those New Year Resolutions.